With Jake's busy schedule, it was tough to find the right time slot to record, but as always, we were more than happy to accommodate last minute openings. When we received word a few days ago that Jake could patch in through ISDN from a Montreal studio, we were happy to oblige.
The Saturday morning session was a pleasant surprise. The recording went smoothly, and we even finished ahead of schedule. Jake was quite the professional, even staying in character between takes at times! He was very friendly, and kept us all entertained with his playful side comments, (An example of his insight: We should all aspire to the ripped physique and "plastic abs" of his Lego counterpart.) Needless to say, Jake proved to be the perfect Prince of Persia.
The prince was not the only voice to grace our halls this past Saturday. Engineer Tony Thomas was simultaneously working with TGFI, a female a cappella group from Central Connecticut State University. TGFI, which is shorthand for "Too Good For Instruments", boasts 12 talented members.
The group, with multiple recording sessions behind them, expressed increasing excitement that they will soon have a completed, 10-track CD. As one of the four groups in the Central CT A Cappella Society, they were also preparing for their "Music and Meatballs" fundraiser later that night. They were aiming to raise money for their individual group, as well as the society as a whole. We wish them luck in all of their endeavors, and we can't wait to hear the finished product soon!

A few of TGFI's members take a moment to pose for the camera!