Ultimately, the endeavor has proved rewarding: check out this article from The Granby News for more information on the group's beginnings, some insights on the project, and the successful fundraising they've accomplished thus far.
After 16 years, East Granby's Gospel Guys release their first CD
Overall, the constant flow of varied, new projects in the studio have made us question the phrase "lazy days of summer." Our days have been anything but! One voice that's been floating around our halls for some time now is that of Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal, this summer's Prince of Persia. With an ongoing series of creative videos that feature the prince in Lego form, it's begun to feel as if the character is right here in our studio! Just imagine ...

Maybe someday! As always, stay tuned to this blog for more updates.
(Especially since our Facebook fan page is regrettably still M.I.A.)