Last week, we took a short break from our regular schedule to focus our attention on the future... actually, 11 years in the future.
We recently threw our hat in the ring to help out with the OSIRIS-REx project, an amazing space-exploration project developed by Lockheed Martin Space Systems, University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
The OSIRIS-REx (Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security Regolith Explorer... whew!) is a $1 billion project that will aim to do what has never been done before: to send a spacecraft into outer space so it can land on an asteroid and collect soil ("Regolith") samples to be studied. The spacecraft will launch in September 2016, travel for two years to meet up with Asteroid 1999RQ36, spend 505 days mapping the asteroid and gathering samples, before returning to Earth in September 2023.

The OSIRIS-REx (Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security Regolith Explorer... whew!) is a $1 billion project that will aim to do what has never been done before: to send a spacecraft into outer space so it can land on an asteroid and collect soil ("Regolith") samples to be studied. The spacecraft will launch in September 2016, travel for two years to meet up with Asteroid 1999RQ36, spend 505 days mapping the asteroid and gathering samples, before returning to Earth in September 2023.
Chief Engineer Bill Ahearn was charged with Sound-Designing some new multimedia and video elements that will be launched in conjunction with the OSIRIS-REx initiative.
We're excited to be involved, and to see the results of this historic event!!